We’re Hosting a FFXIV Housing Competition!

One day, an impromptu tour of the houses surrounding the PG Community house made Mike realise just how much creativity and thought goes into designing your own home in FFXIV. We instantly knew we wanted to see more of what housing in FFXIV has to offer, and we also know we have some very talented people in our community that would love the chance for others to see and enjoy their hard work…

So, we’d like to annouce our FFXIV Housing Competition! (catchy name, huh!)

Saturday 13th November at 7pm GMT, streamed over on Twitch! The winner will receive £100 to spend on the Mog-Station!

Judges and Rules

Any good competiton needs a judge or two, and we’re pleased as punch with ours! Whilst Mike will be busy inspecting all the floors,  we have an un-bun-lievable judge inspecting all the nooks and crannies: The lovely Zepla!

After seeing all the work he did on the Crawler’s FC house, we knew we had to get our very own Ilandra on the judging panel!

Last but not least we have Seika, the creative genius and decorator of the amazing club we had a party at: The Black Sapphire.

As Mike and our judges are based on the EU Datacenters of Chaos and Light we will only be accepting entries from either of these two Data Centers. We will accept entries of rooms, apartments, and houses and will do our best to make the competition is as fair as possible by comparing rooms and apartments together and comparing houses against other houses of the same size, depending on the amount of entries we get. Your entry must be accessible to the judges in-game and you must have decorated it yourself.

How Do I Enter the Competition?

To enter the competition go to our Discord and find the channel named #ffxiv-housing-competition. Please give your character name, your Data Center and server, the type of entry you are submitting (room, house, etc) and include a link to a few screenshots of the entry as it will look on the day of the stream. Please do not add screenshots to your entry post in the discord directly. We’d also love to hear a little about your entry so feel free to add a small description of no more than two lines.

We won’t have time to get to all the entries, so a few little elves will be going over the entries and putting together a list of around 20 for the judges to visit in-game.

Entries close on Thursday 11th November at 7:00pm UK!

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