As many avid Preachcon goers will know, we’ve had merch for sale for quite a while now. Whilst we were always happy with our designs the quality and shipping from the companies we used to sell the merch was always a bit hit and miss. Sometimes items took forever to actually reach people, the colours wouldn’t be what they ordered, and the sizing and quality of the tshirts was sometimes completely off.
As firm believers that the quality of the items you buy shouldn’t be down to RNG, we started exploring other options to get our merch to you on time, correct to your order, and of a quality we’re proud of. We knew we had to cut out the middle-man and take care of our merch, our way. To do that we’ve teamed up with somebody we know can get the job done.

Hi, I’m Jono, formally Vanish AKA Preachcon Party Liaison helping you get your buzz on since 2016. I have been a member of the PG community since early Cataclysm and one of the original twitch mods. Around Preachcon 2019 Mike floated the idea of doing our own merch as we were seeing quality issues with the companies we were using for individual prints as well as shipping issues; All things which were out of our immediate control.
Having experience with running my own online clothing store selling vintage clothing, along with having the space for stock, I was asked to handle all Preach Gaming Merch, so we can have stock made to order which we can then quality check and distribute ourselves. Unlike before we now have control over our quality and over our shipping, so we can make sure everyone receives the correct order in the best quality.
Since the original idea my business has grown to 5 online stores, selling everything from premium leather jackets to converse and backpacks. We will be soon taking on extra space to handle Preach merch exclusively, as our inventory expands and we get new merch for you to collect.
With a capable member of the community with his own successful businesses heading up our store, we’re very happy and confident that once you order anything from our store it will get to you in reasonable time and be of a quality we’re proud of.
Jono’s Store: Yellow Brick Vintage
Jono’s Youtube: how2vintage