Sire Denathrius was fond of saying that the Venthyr do not destroy, they educate; and the top guilds in Warcraft have shown that they came to educate the masses and destroy the competition as they taught the leader of Revendreth a few things about humility in the Castle Nathria Race to World First.
On December 23rd Complexity Limit ushered in a very merry Christmas as they secured their second consecutive World First, breaking Denathrius’ indomitable will and sealing him inside his own blade, Remoria.
December 24th brought triumph for Echo, with this new guild of seasoned raiders proving they’re not to be underestimated as they beat Denathrius into submission, claiming 2nd place.
We’ve been following the race intently here at Preach Gaming, and we know our viewers have too. We’ve read your questions, we’ve seen your discussions, and we’ve considered your wonderful suggestions, and we think you’re going to be very pleased with what we have coming up.
You’ve been asking for it, and we’re finally able to report that on Friday 8th January at 8pm GMT Mike will be hosting a round-table with Complexity Limit and Echo. This is the first time these behemoths of the raiding scene will be sat down in the same discussion and we are beyond grateful that they asked us to host it.
Never before have we had the opportunity to get Complexity Limit and Echo together, to have an open discussion about their experiences in the Race to World First, how they found the new encounter, and what unique challenges this particular race, in a year full of surprises, had in store for them.
We at Preach Gaming, along with many of you, are eager to see the Race to World First become an event we can all come together for, and we’re going to be asking these two key players how they think the event could be shaped in the future.
Join us on Twitch on Friday 8th January at 8pm GMT for our very own World First, a roundtable discussion with Complexity Limit and Echo.
See you then!